The frame was very nicely wrapped in a pizza style box. It took almost an hour just to unwrap everything. While I was unwrapping, I noticed the pieces seemed to have a coat of oily residue. Like any man would, I didn't bother to look at the instructions till later. The very first paragraph says to wash all the parts and even give them a light sanding before assembly. Looks like the frame's getting a bath.
The Under Shoulder Details are pretty sharp. Plus it only took a few days for them to come in! One of my first detail pieces, but I've definitely realized to buy it while its available.
I even went by Lowe's on the way home to make my first R2 related tool purchase: a hacksaw. Most of the ones I've seen on builders logs were different than the normal hacksaw design whereas the blade extended out beyond the top handle. I saw one of these, but decided to go with one for a few dollars more that was simply a handle with a blade and no top piece. This way the entire blade can be used to cut out panels and not just a couple inches of it. Hopefully it will be a good investment.
So, a big day in all for the R2 build. Can't wait to get the frame assembled. I've got several pieces still on order, including JAG outer legs and ankles. I've got my eye on the first electronics piece - the PSI LEDs.
Now its time to prepare for Snowmageddon 2011.