Monday, January 31, 2011

De Frame! De Frame!

Today was a double whammy, both the Frame and Under Shoulder Details arrived. It would have been a triple whammy if I'd been home to sign for the Half Moon Details. Alas I was not. Since it looks like I'll be home due to snow tomorrow, I went ahead and scheduled them to be redelivered.

The frame was very nicely wrapped in a pizza style box. It took almost an hour just to unwrap everything. While I was unwrapping, I noticed the pieces seemed to have a coat of oily residue. Like any man would, I didn't bother to look at the instructions till later. The very first paragraph says to wash all the parts and even give them a light sanding before assembly. Looks like the frame's getting a bath.

The Under Shoulder Details are pretty sharp. Plus it only took a few days for them to come in! One of my first detail pieces, but I've definitely realized to buy it while its available.

I even went by Lowe's on the way home to make my first R2 related tool purchase: a hacksaw. Most of the ones I've seen on builders logs were different than the normal hacksaw design whereas the blade extended out beyond the top handle. I saw one of these, but decided to go with one for a few dollars more that was simply a handle with a blade and no top piece. This way the entire blade can be used to cut out panels and not just a couple inches of it. Hopefully it will be a good investment.

So, a big day in all for the R2 build. Can't wait to get the frame assembled. I've got several pieces still on order, including JAG outer legs and ankles. I've got my eye on the first electronics piece - the PSI LEDs.

Now its time to prepare for Snowmageddon 2011.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


My Radar Eye Lens came in the mail today. Its the piece I always have thought of as Artoo's one "eye". Its smaller than I was imagining, but I know its up to club specs. Its all taped up to prevent scratching I supposed. One more part in hand, quite a few to go.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Skin Job

Skins arrived today! Now I really feel like I'm building an R2.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Is it here yet?

Couple more parts ordered: the Radar eye lens and a Dome base plate. I keep ordering, even though nothing else has arrived yet. The Rockler dome bearing is cool and all since its the essential part to make R2's head rotate, but its a bit of a buzzkill when that's all that's sitting on the shelf. Hopefully everything will all come at once and I'll have the beginnings of my R2 sitting in the corner soon. I'm getting anxious to start assembling.

Ordering a set of legs and ankles at the end of the month. Probably some hinges too that will open all the various pie panels and skin doors. I think its weird I know so much more about R2 now than I did even two weeks ago. Lots of parts names are swirling around in my head.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


First part has arrived! The Rockler Dome bearing was on the front porch when I got home today.

A spending spree commenced tonight when I purchased aluminum skins, leg struts and center vents. Legs are probably next. Hopefully the frame will be in next week.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lazy Susan head

I lost out on getting an aluminum dome today. Looks like I'll have to wait for another run unless someone else ends up selling one individually. Don't know when the frame will get here. Site shows next shipping date as the 14th, but there are several "paid" people in front of me.

Looking like the next purchase will be the Rockler Dome Bearing, aka an ordinary lazy susan.

Monday, January 3, 2011

First purchase

Its official! I purchased the frame just now from Hopefully it'll be in hand soon to begin assembly. Then my bank account can recoup and move on to the next item which I'm not sure what will be.

I also found local droid builder Jeff Barnes via Hope to check out his finished droid in person soon. He's got some impressive photos up at his website:

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1

I woke up today, a brand new year, and sort of off the cuff decided this would be the year I start my own R2-D2.

A few years ago I attended Star Wars Celebration 3 in Indianapolis and despite the enormous crowd of people there I had a good time. One thing I enjoyed in-particular was the droid builders room that showcased the fans that had built their own droids, some were original Artoos and others where more abstract astromechs in the Star Wars universe or even original creations. Walking through that room several times over the weekend planted the seed in my head that one day I would do the same.

Lucky for me there is an online community of people that have, or are currently building their own droids. Answers to almost every question are out there, as well as, parts lists and how to get them.

I have a ton of reading to do about all aspects of the build but I'm already eyeing my first purchase. I figure what better place to start than the frame. That's where any car or motorcycle starts, so why not my R2? I'd come across a blog a few months back that showed a scratch frame built from plywood. Until today I thought that's where I'd start too. Come to find out with a little investigation, there are aluminum frames out there for purchase. Sure it may be a little more moolah than plywood, but much easier for me and no sawing required.

I plan on assembling the whole thing myself. I'll paint and sand the whole shebang. The wiring and electronics may be my biggest hurdle. I want my R2 to roll, rotate its dome, light up and make those classic beeps and boops all via remote control like the ones I saw back at Celebration 3.

So here goes nothing. We'll see how long  it takes to get to something like the photo below.

This is where the fun begins.