Friday, May 27, 2011

Ah Nuts!

Battery Box Nuts - another interior piece no one will see. These are made because its impossible to fit a real nut into the space needed.

June is shaping up to be a big part month. Still sanding away on the dome.....

Monday, May 16, 2011

Onward Ho!

Actual build progress! Large Data Port, Rockler, Dome Base Plate & Pittman motor all mounted now.

The couple of problems I ran into:

1) Had to drill the holes out a tad bit on the base plate for recommended screws to pass through easily. Veered from JAG's tutorial a little by putting one screw through the rockler and base plate at a time. Trying to line all 6 up at once is next to impossible. This made it much easier. I still need to drill 2 holes in the base plate out a touch wider because they just barely don't quite lineup.

2) Mounting the Pittman motor onto a COM8B frame - Once I received the correct bracket it was much easier! I had to grind just a smidgen off the frame where the pivot point of the bracket touched it, otherwise it would freeze in place. Also for anyone with this frame - the spring attaches to the closest bolt for the Rockler. That one needs to be a little longer too, I used a 1.25 inch bolt.

3) I didn't have any hardware for the Large Data Port, so I had to go get some at the local Ace Hardware. I used M4-12 allen bolts @ 70 pitch. They still needed a small washer due to the length of the hole being slightly more shallow than the bolt is long. I actually took the Large Data Port and the piece of frame it connects to into the store so I could be sure to get the correct hardware in one trip. The kid helping me finally asked, "What is this for?". When you say a R2-D2 you get, "oh cool" as a response, followed by "They sure don't make it easy." You're telling me kid.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What a hoser, eh.

6 Feet of Braided Hose from Mike Velcheck.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Close only counts in horseshoes & hand grenades

Shoulder Horseshoes and Shims were just left on my doorstep. Quality piece, feel nice and sturdy but lightweight. In other news, hope to have Center Vents assembled soon.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Show some restraint!

Ankle Cylinder sets arrived today along with the Restraining Bolt, which currently joins my magnet collection on the fridge until R2 is ready. In the meantime, I won't have to worry about catching my refrigerator while its running.