Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mad as Hell

Ever have one of those days where nothing goes right? Well today has been one of those.

I've re-sanded several blue pieces and applied a new clear coat, only to find about a third of them have lint, or hair, or bubble imperfections and will need to be stripped and clear coated yet again.

I also dropped a utility arm on the concrete and put a nice, albeit small dent in a corner. Luckily it could have been much worse. A little sanding and some steal stick should fix it - hopefully. But I did have to strip all the paint off it and will have to start over on it when I do the Booster Covers. Speaking of, I looked again on the forums and have decided to try good old white Elmers glue to mask them. I hope it works better than clay. I'm really frustrated because I know theres only a week or so left of weather that will permit painting. Trying not to rush, but I really don't want to have to wait to Spring either.