Sunday, January 8, 2012

Give Em' the Slip

Slip Ring arrived yesterday. This allows power and electrical signals to go between the body and dome while still being able to fully rotate the dome infinite times. I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to use it yet, but eventually I'll need it to do things like lift the periscope and life form scanner.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Year One

One year ago today I awoke and made the decision to start building my own R2-D2.

The year went by fast, as they tend to do the older you get, and had lots of ups and downs like any other year. I lost one of my best buddies in September - my cat Abby. She was never more than 10 feet from me for almost 11 years, she meowed louder than any cat I've ever heard and purred nonstop till her last few hours. I miss her everyday. Since then her sister Kobey and I have bonded more than ever.

On the Artoo front, I've received all but one body part needed and only because that particular one hasn't been run yet, but should be soon. I've been looking in to the electronics side of things the last few days. I anticipate receiving the foot drives soon and would like to get him at least rolling around shortly after.

Lately I've been back to work on sanding the dome. I used a mouse sander a few months ago to get out the spin lines, and am now going back over with sand sponges and paper to get the final shiny surface. I also plan on starting to cut the inner dome soon and have been reading up on all that will entail.

Celebration VI is in August, and right now I'm 50/50 on attending. If I do, I hope to have this guy up and running to be a part of the builders room. I haven't attended a Celebration since III in Indianapolis. The local Trek Expo is in June. I had a lofty goal of trying to be ready by then but it will be hard to obtain with the amount still left and that sidetrack known as work.

Hopefully those Mayans were wrong and all this work wasn't for nothing. Happy New Year.