Monday, May 23, 2016

Livin' on Tulsa Time

Well its been a little over a year since Artoo was completed to "working droid" status. In that time we've been to Celebration Anaheim, Tulsa Comic Expo, SoonerCon, Weird Al's Mandator Fun tour, The Force Awakens premiere and several other appearances in the Tulsa area.

We'll be making a return appearance to Tulsa Comic Expo this weekend, and hope to see you at a few other conventions this summer. Also, be sure to save us a seat (or two) in December for the premiere of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. We may even be returning to Celebration in Orlando next year!

So with all the upcoming events around town, we have decided to rebrand ourselves Tulsa R2-D2. We have a good friend in OKC R2 & R2-D3, and look forward to a couple additions to the Oklahoma Astromech family soon.

With all that comes a cool new logo (as seen above), some trading cards to hand out to fans, and a brand spanking new website: - she may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts kid. Check in every so often because the website will continue to expand to include pictures and other info about Tulsa R2-D2.

We'll still update this blogspot as well, we know we are behind on lots of building info and pictures!

So hopefully we'll see you out there, and welcome to some new fans along the way.

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